February 2023 delivered the driest February for England since 1993, and the eighth driest February in a series going back to 1836! The rainfall was less than half the average for the UK, and it was actually the jointh fifth mildest February on record. Our popular products mostly reflected the dry, temperate weather with a lot of outside items like fencing and barriers booked. However, two models of dehumidifiers still crept into the top ten, so some areas of the UK must have been a little less fortunate than others!
Our Top Hired Products:
- Heras Fencing
- Acrow Props
- 240v Cement Mixer
- Crowd Control Barriers
- Strongboys
- 320mm Petrol Wacker Plate
- Stair Scaffold
- Floor & Edging Sander Package
- 240v 55L Dehumidifier
- 240v 48L Dehumidifier
Our Top Active Regions:
- South West London
- Birmingham
- Manchester
- Nottingham
- Sheffield
- Brighton
- Guildford
- Tonbridge
- South East London
- Edinburgh
No movers or shakers compared to last month. Looks like we have some big projects in these areas and loyal customers!
Our New Suppliers:
- Watkins Hire
- Toucan Hire
- Briggs
- Airway Group
- Access 77
- Ord Access
As we are ever working on our supplier network, we have welcomed 6 new partners this February, helping us to ease the burdon of stock in areas of high demand or low supply. If you would like to apply to work with us as a rehire supplier, you can fill out a supplier application.