Wheel Wash Hire
The Easy Way to Clean Working Vehicles
A wheel wash or wheel bath is an easy and efficient way to ensure that vehicles are clean before they leave a site. Trucks, lorries, dumpers, and other vehicles need to be cleaned before they leave a site if you are near a residential area or are accessing public roads. It can be a legal requirement to prevent the spread of the mud, clay, dust, debris, and other contaminants from a working site and onto public roads. A vehicle washer also helps to maintain a clean and safe work zone.
You can use a wheel washer on any type of site. They are ideal for construction, landfills, quarrying, groundwork, and more. Washers have tracks with rumble bars that agitate tyre treads so that dry, heavy earth falls way. They also feature water lagoons and spray jets that bathe and wash away any more sticky, stubborn grime. You can clean the wheels, chassis, and undersides of your working vehicles quickly, easily, and thoroughly, offering environmental control of substances.
As you can install these cleaning systems within an excavation, or elevated from the ground, they are ideal for long and short-term contracts.