The Leica Rugby 410 is a fully automatic, self-levelling dual grade rotating laser, ideal for a range of levelling applications. The Rugby 410DG has a high powered laser beam for enhanced distance performance of up to 800m, a simple five-button operation and a large graphic display. This enhanced range and simplicity makes the Rugby 410 an extremely convenient and reliable leveling tool. The Leica Rugby 410 dual grade laser is perfect for jobs requiring precise grade control, such as building pads, parking lots and runways. This laser is also ideal for precise depth control for sub-base and fine grade excavation, as well as agricultural applications such as land levelling or tiling. This fantastic rotating laser can also be used for concrete forming and framework, retention ponds and batters, and setting foundations and footings. The Leica Rugby 410 dual grade laser is also an extremely tough & durable piece of equipment, capable of handling the demands of use on a busy work site.